Patchs 19.1.4 disponible

Sports Interactive a publié deux patchs coup sur coup hier. Le patch 19.1.3 corrigeait divers problèmes de stabilité et des incohérences dans les championnats grecs, danois ou norvégiens. Le patch suivait corrigeait un soucis apporté par le premier dans les parties en réseau.

Changelist 19.1.4

  • Fix for previously created network games receiving ‹ No database available › error message

Changelist 19.1.3

  • Number of stability fixes with the game
  • Fixed rare issue where user could get stuck when processing
  • Enabled ability to have the FM18 Editor and FM19 Editor open at the same time
  • Removal of unexplained error messages appearing when loading data into FM19 Editor
  • Fixed rare issue where conversation string wasn’t available when trying to offer playing improved wages to stay at club
  • In Greece clubs now retain their points after the league split (new games only)
  • Improve fixture congestion for Norwegian clubs (new games only)
  • Users should no longer be prevented from posting highlights to YouTube
  • Danish Second Division clubs now start game in DB set Groups (new games only)

Un patch pour corriger le patch. :pasrire: Sacré SI Games.

Bof, c’est valable sur quasiment tous les jeux.